Welcome Back!
We would like to welcome back Acadmey of Our Lady to Louisiana HOSA!

Belle Chasse HOSA & Dippin Dots
Belle Chasse HOSA members helped spread the word about the new and improved Dippin Dot ice cream snacks! They partnered with Dippin Dots...

Jennings HOSA Teams with Relay for Life and American Cancer Society
Jennings HOSA teamed up with Relay for Life and American Cancer Society to sell Christmas Letters. All proceeds, which included $170,...

Belle Chasse HOSA Adopts Christmas Angel
This year, Belle Chasse HOSA adopted an 11 year old boy as their Christmas Angel. They purchased him clothes, shoes, Jammie's, and toys....

Lafayette High HOSA Week
Lafayette High HOSA has declared this week as HOSA Week.

Comeaux HOSA Dances to Raise Awareness for LOPA!
Comeaux HOSA participated in the Laci Taquino Dance for Life competition hosted by the Comeaux Cheerleaders. The competition raised money...

Belle Chasse HOSA visits Riverbend Nursing Home
On November 28th, five Belle Chasse HOSA members participated in their annual tree decorating event at Riverbend nursing home. HOSA...

American Stroke Association is Looking for Ideas for F.A.S.T. Song
The American Stroke Association is looking for ideas for their F.A.S.T. Song. Louisiana HOSA Chapters are encouraged to put together...

Louisiana HOSA at ACTE Vision Conference
On November 21, Belle Chasse HOSA Member Alexis Babcock represented Louisiana HOSA at the 2015 Association for Career and Technical...

Louisiana HOSA at ACTE Vision Conference
On November 19, Belle Chasse HOSA Chapter President Brenna Sisson and member Destiny Tullier represented Louisiana HOSA at the 2015...