Dental Assisting National Board, INC.
The Dental Assisting National Board, Inc. (DANB), the national certification board for dental assistants, recently launched the National Entry Level Dental Assistant (NELDA) certification.
One of the ways to be eiligible to earn this new entry-level certification is successful completion of a high school dental assisting program that is at least one semester in length. We believe this new certification my be of interested to the health profession students.
As you know, oral healthcare is one of the most rapidly growing job sectors in the U.S., with an expected need for 25% more dental assistants by 2022. This makes dental assisting an exciting choice for many students.
Getting the approptirate education, training and expereince helps sutdents start their carrers on the right foot. Earning professional certification can help those who are new to the workforce stand above the competition. Studies show that professional certification can lead to improved employability, increased salary and greater career satisfaction.
DANB is now accepting applications for NELDA certification, and we would like to give the educators and students who belong to HOSA the first chance to learn more. By completing the attached form, dental assisting educators will be added to DANB’s communications list and will be among the first to receive information about this new certification program.
You can view a recent article about DANB’s NELDA certification published by the American Dental Association Here. More information is also available on DANB’s website (click HERE). We are excited about bringing this new opportunity to those just starting out in their careers and appreciate any assistance that you can provide in connecting us with those who may be interested.
For more information contact Hanna Aronovich at